
Thursday, August 11, 2011

I received a lovely present for my birthday... it was a voucher for Stylistpick!  If you don't know about it already, it's basically a personal shoe stylist website where they ask you some questions about your style icons etc. then they present you with a selection of shoes, bags and now jewellery in a 'showroom' for you.  This is a monthly subscription of £39.95 including delivery.

Here's what I picked out for my present...

~It's wrapped beautifully~

I chose a pair of brogues because I hardly ever wear high heels as much as I love the look & thought of them.  So with these, I can wear it to work and right through Winter as well.

StylistPick really thought about their customers because it was wrapped like a luxury brand and there's the small details like the polaroid sticket, thank you card and even put in a little gift - a bracelet!

Sign up and get it for 25% off in August! You can always cancel the subscription if you want.

Have you shopped on Stylistpick before?

Love Txx